TLE: Drafting Part 4

 31.In oblique drawing, the depth of the object is reduced to ½ in case of cabinet oblique, ¾ in case of a general oblique, and true or same measurement in _____ oblique.

A. Width
B. Cavalier
C. Specific
D. Object

32.Which technique is commonly used around the world as a graphic method or representing a 3- dimensional object and intended to combine the illusion of depth, with the undistorted presentation of the object’s principal dimension?
A. Cavalier oblique
B. Isometric drawing
C. Cabinet oblique
D. General oblique

33.When an observer stands in the middle of a street, the end of the street seems to narrow as far as his eyes can see. Then he tries to draw the buildings as it appears on his visual observations. The process is called_.
A. Perspective drawing
B. Isometric drawing
C. Diametric drawing
D. Cabinet drawing

34.A student in drafting has done three views; his next task is to indicate the dimensions to complete the information. What is the distance of the first dimension from the views?
A. 1”
B. 2”
C. 1/8”
D. ½”

35.There is a good reason why we should not place dimensions directly on object itself. This is to avoid?
A. Super dimensioning
B. Overcrowding of dimensions
C. Inaccurate dimensions
D. Aligned dimension

36.The radius of an arc should always be specified by the drafter in the form of a symbol which denotes_.
A. R
B. r
C. rad
D. ra

37.It is important to the drafting students to place the overall dimension of a part or view to appear more pleasing to the reader. It is placed starting from the_.
A. Shortest dimension line outside the view
B. Longest dimension line outside the views
C. Longer dimension inside the view
D. Shorter dimension inside the view

38.Some drafter often place dimensions every while the maybe permitted in some drafting classes let us keep in mind that these are repetitions and can be avoided. This is referred to as_.
A. Superfluous dimension
B. Unidirectional dimensioning
C. Aligned dimensioning
D. Tolerance dimensioning

39.In the rule of sectional drawing, all visible edges exposed by the cutting-plane line must be emphasized and series of lines can now be drawn. This process is called_.
A. Filling-up of section lines
B. Eliminating hidden lines
C. Eliminating object lines
D. Symmetrical objects

40.There are situations in executing sectional drawings that every drafter must be familiar with especially when dealing with blow-up part of an object. We find this very reasonable with tiny and complicated parts. This refers to_.
A. Detail sections or spot details
B. Dual dimensioning
C. Aligned objects
D. Isometric objects

 Key Answers, Explanations, Notes, and Concepts

31.In oblique drawing, the depth of the object is reduced to ½ in case of cabinet oblique, ¾ in case of a general oblique, and true or same measurement in _____ oblique.
A. Width
B. Cavalier
C. Specific
D. Object

Answer: B. Cavalier

Cavalier - actual measurement
Cabinet - size reduced to 1/2
General - size reduce to 1/4

32.Which technique is commonly used around the world as a graphic method or representing a 3- dimensional object and intended to combine the illusion of depth, with the undistorted presentation of the object’s principal dimension?
A. Cavalier oblique
B. Isometric drawing
C. Cabinet oblique
D. General oblique

Answer: B. Isometric drawing

Cavalier oblique- redecing size is scaled from actual size

Isometric drawing- is a form of 3D drawing, which is set out using 30-degree angles. It is a type of axonometric drawing so the same scale is used for every axis, resulting in a non-distorted image.

Cabinet oblique- receding sisze is half of the actual size

General oblique- receding size is two thirds of actual size

33.When an observer stands in the middle of a street, the end of the street seems to narrow as far as his eyes can see. Then he tries to draw the buildings as it appears on his visual observations. The process is called_.
A. Perspective drawing
B. Isometric drawing
C. Diametric drawing
D. Cabinet drawing

Answer: B. Isometric drawing

Perspective drawing
- is a technique to create the linear illusion of depth. As objects get further away from the viewer they appear to decrease in size at a constant rate. The box in the sketch below appears solid and three dimensional due to the use of perspective

Isometric drawing
- is a form of 3D drawing, which is set out using 30-degree angles. It is a type of axonometric drawing so the same scale is used for every axis, resulting in a non-distorted image..

Diametric drawing- a way of drawing an object so that one axis has a different scale than the other two axis in the drawing. An example of dimetric projection is a technical drawing that shows a 3-dimensional cube with one side of the cube smaller in proportion to the other two sides.

Cabinet drawing- an oblique projection in mechanical drawing in which dimensions parallel to the third axis of the object are shortened one half to overcome apparent distortion.

34.A student in drafting has done three views; his next task is to indicate the dimensions to complete the information. What is the distance of the first dimension from the views?
Answer: B. 2”

35.There is a good reason why we should not place dimensions directly on the itself. This is to avoid?
A. Super dimensioning
B. Overcrowding of dimensions
C. Inaccurate dimensions
D. Aligned dimension

Answer: Aligned dimension

Super dimensioning- there is no such
Overcrowding of dimensions- overused or repeated notes of dimension

Inaccurate dimensions- putting incorrect dimension

Aligned dimension
- it is written in two directions in the whole drawing.

36.The radius of an arc should always be specified by the drafter in the form of a symbol which denotes_.
The radius of an arc should always be specified by the drafter in the form of a symbol which denotes_.
A. R
B. r
C. rad
D. ra

Answer: B. r

r- Radius of an arc or circle. The radius is represented by the lowercase letter r.

R- The letter 'R' as shown is used widely in drawings and is short for the word Radius.

rad- rapid application development

ra- roughness average;

37.It is important to the drafting students to place the overall dimension of a part or view to appear more pleasing to the reader. It is placed starting from the_.
A. Shortest dimension line outside the view
B. Longest dimension line outside the views
C. Longer dimension inside the view
D. Shorter dimension inside the view

Answer: A. Shortest dimension line outside the view
Should be on the outside, from shortest to lengest

38.Some drafter often place dimensions every while the maybe permitted in some drafting classes let us keep in mind that these are repetitions and can be avoided. This is referred to as_.
A. Superfluous dimension
B. Unidirectional dimensioning
C. Aligned dimensioning
D. Tolerance dimensioning

Answer: A. Superfluous dimension
Superfluous dimension- dimensions that are repeated on the same view or on different views, or the same information be given in two different ways./ unnecessary dimensions

Unidirectional dimensioning
- commonly used in drafting. dimensions are placed in such a way that they can be read from the bottom edge of the drawing sheet. Dimensions are inserts by breaking the dimension lines at the middle.

Aligned dimensioning
- it is written in two directions in the whole drawing.

Tolerance dimensioning
- There are essentially two methods of adding tolerances to dimensions firstly universal tolerancing and secondly specific tolerancing.

39.In the rule of sectional drawing, all visible edges exposed by the cutting-plane line must be emphasized and series of lines can now be drawn. This process is called_.
A. Filling-up of section lines
B. Eliminating hidden lines
C. Eliminating object lines
D. Symmetrical objects

Answer: A. Filling-up of section lines
Filling-up of section lines- putting lines, or imaginary cut
Eliminating hidden lines- eliminating hidden lines
Eliminating object lines- removal of dark lines or the object lines
Symmetrical objects- objects with equal sizes

40.There are situations in executing sectional drawings that every drafter must be familiar with especially when dealing with blow-up part of an object. We find this very reasonable with tiny and complicated parts.
This refers to_.
A. Detail sections or spot details
B. Dual dimensioning
C. Aligned objects
D. Isometric objects

Answer: A. Detail sections or spot details

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