TLE: Drafting Part 9

 81.If drawing has one surface that is parallel to the picture plane then this method is called ____.

A. Oblique drawing
B. Isometric drawing
C. Perspective drawing
D. Orthographic drawing

82.This pictorial view is normally seen by the observer’s eyes. Which one is it?
A. Isometric drawing
B. Oblique drawing
C. Perspective drawing
D. Orthographic drawing

83.The line used to show clearly the dimension limits as called ____?
A. Center line
B. Extension line
C. Dimension line
D. Phantom line or section line

84.A horizontal line used to determine the general height of lower case letters.
A. Base line
B. Cap line
C. Waist line
D. Drop line

85.Letters that are composed of uniform width elements are classified as _____.
A. Italic letters
B. Text letters
C. Gothic letters
D. Roman letters

86.Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument.
A. T-square
B. Ruler
C. Meter stick
D. Triangles

87.The drawing pencil of a draftsman is graded the softest, medium, and hardest. Which of the following grades is the softest?
A. 6B
C. 3B
D. 9H

88. Which grade of pencil is commonly used for lettering by a draftsman?
A. 2H
C. 4H
D. 6H

89.A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It is generally used in drawing horizontal lines. Which one is it?
A. Triangular scale
B. T- square
C. Triangle
D. French curve

90.Which is instrument is used in drawing curves except circles and arcs?
A. Compass
B. Protractor
C. French curve
D. Divider

Key Answers, Explanations, Notes, and Concepts

81.If drawing has one surface that is parallel to the picture plane then this method is called ____.
A. Oblique drawing
B. Isometric drawing
C. Perspective drawing
D. Orthographic drawing

Answer: A. Oblique drawing
Oblique drawing
Isometric drawing
Perspective drawing
Orthographic drawing
See that one of the side from the front view of the oblique drawing is parallel to the drawing plane. While orthographic will show 3 different views of the object.

82.This pictorial view is normally seen by the observer’s eyes. Which one is it?
A. Isometric drawing
B. Oblique drawing
C. Perspective drawing
D. Orthographic drawing

Answer: C.Perspective drawing
Isometric drawing- is a form of 3D drawing, which is set out using 30-degree angles. It is a type of axonometric drawing so the same scale is used for every axis, resulting in a non-distorted image.

Oblique drawing-a projective drawing of which the frontal lines are given in true proportions and relations and all others at suitable angles other than 90 degrees without regard to the rules of linear perspective.

Perspective drawing- is a technique to create the linear illusion of depth. As objects get further away from the viewer they appear to decrease in size at a constant rate. The box in the sketch below appears solid and three dimensional due to the use of perspective.

Orthographic drawing- are also known as multiviews. The most commonly used views are top, front, and right side. You can imagine it as positioning yourself directly in front, above, or to the right of an object and drawing only what you can see. LINES
83.The line used to show clearly the dimension limits as called ____?
A. Center line
B. Extension line
C. Dimension line
D. Phantom line or section line

Answer: B. Extension line
Center line- are drawn to indicate the exact centre of a component being drawn. They are made from a series of lighter long and short dashes.

Extension line- are fine, dark, solid lines that extend outward from a point on a drawing to which a dimension refers. Usually, the dimension line meets the extension line at right angles.

Dimension line-is a fine, dark, solid line with arrowheads on each end. It indicates direction and extent of a dimension.

Phantom line or section line-drawing which indicate the area of the drawing through which an imaginary cut has been made to reveal internal details. These lines are drawn at full density and should be drawn at certain dimensions.

84.A horizontal line used to determine the general height of lower case letters.
A. Base line
B. Cap line
C. Waist line
D. Drop line

Answer: C.Waist line
Base line
Cap line
Waist line
Drop line

85.Letters that are composed of uniform width elements are classified as _____.
A. Italic letters
B. Text letters
C. Gothic letters
D. Roman letters

Answer: C.Gothic letters
Italic letters- are special lines placed on a is when a typeface is slanted to the right

TEXT letters- a large or capital letter.

Gothic letters- is a style of lettering that is popular as a font (or typeface) for artistic projects and

other uses. It is featured in many computer operating systems, and is a printing option in most print shops. Gothic lettering is a "sans serif" lettering style that is closely related to Germanic cultures.

Roman letters- the normal typography style in which the vertical lines of the characters are straight up and not on an angle
This item's explanation was limited to author's knowledge and research, thus incomplete. If you have any insights and correction kindly comment it below. It will surely be helpful on our future use.

86.Horizontal lines are best drawn using this instrument.
A. T-square
B. Ruler
C. Meter stick
D. Triangles

Answer: A. T-square

Meter stick


87.The drawing pencil of a draftsman is graded the softest, medium, and hardest. Which of the following grades is the softest?
A. 6B
C. 3B
D. 9H

Answer: A. HB
-B stands for "black". These pencils are soft. -H stands for "hard". -HB stands for "hard black", which means "medium hard". -F stands for "firm".

- The hardest of the drawing pencils is the 9H.
The next hardest in order are the 8H, 7h, 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, and 6B.
The 6B is the softest of all the drawing pencils. It is used mainly by artists for sketching.
Most work in engineering drawing is done with the 4H, 2H, and H pencils.
Generally the 4H pencil is used for layout for construction lines, the 2H pencil for general line work, and the H pencil for lettering.

88. Which grade of pencil is commonly used for lettering by a draftsman?
A. 2H
C. 4H
D. 6H
Answer: B. 2H

- The hardest of the drawing pencils is the 9H.
The next hardest in order are the 8H, 7h, 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, and 6B.
The 6B is the softest of all the drawing pencils. It is used mainly by artists for sketching.
Most work in engineering drawing is done with the 4H, 2H, and H pencils.
Generally the 4H pencil is used for layout for construction lines, the 2H pencil for general line work, and the H pencil for lettering.

89.A drawing instrument that serves as guide in drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It is generally used in drawing horizontal lines. Which one is it?
A. Triangular scale
B. T- square
C. Triangle
D. French curve

Answer: B. T- square
Triangular scale

T- square
French curve

90.Which is instrument is used in drawing curves except circles and arcs?
A. Compass
B. Protractor
C. French curve
D. Divider- instrument for measuring, transferring, or marking off distances,

Answer: C. Divider
French curve


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