TLE: Plumbing Part 4


31) The following are examples of plumbing fixtures, EXCEPT:
a. water closet
b. drainage
c. shower
d. urinals

32) Which statement is NOT true about plumbing standards based on Republic Act 1378 which is known as "Plumbing Law"?
a. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a water-sealed trap.
b. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
c. Water closet must be located in a room which is properly lighted and ventilated.
d. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system.

33) A compartment that receives solid or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the gravity system is called ________.
a. septic
b. sump
c. trap
d. interceptor

34) Which is true toxic substance?
a. Hazardous to human health
b. A fixture drain for a laboratory
c. Not hazardous to human health
d. Bedpan washer and sterilizer drain

35) Water that is safe for drinking, cooking, and personal use is ________.
a. potable
b. purified
c. clean
d. healthy

36) Which among the following best describes a toilet bowl?
a. A room or booth containing a toilet
b. The Box Type compartment holding water for flushing the toilet
c. An opening in the wall or ceiling near
d. The device that provides a supply of water and/or its disposal, e.g. sinks, tubs, toilet

37) Plumbing ventilation means to ________.
a. carry sewer gas out and relieve pressure of the drainage system
b. discourage corrosion in the drainage piping
c. maintain the trap seals
d. give pressure differentials in the public sewer

38) Rainwater from the roof down to the ground passes through what pipe?
a. Down spout
b. Conductor
c. Gutter
d. Vent

39) A pipe that conveys only liquid waste is called ________.
a. vent pipe
b. soil pipe
c. main pipe
d. waste pipe

40) If you install water supply inside the building, what is the diameter of pipes needed?
a. 4 inches
b. 1 inch
c. 0.75 inch
d. 0.5 inch

Key Answers, Explanations, Notes, and Concepts

31) The following are examples of plumbing fixtures, EXCEPT:
a. water closet
b. drainage
c. shower
d. urinals

Answer: b. drainage
water closet- a plumbing fixture having a water-containing receptor which receives liquid and solid body waste and, upon actuation, conveys the waste through an exposed integral trap seal into a gravity drainage system
he means of removing surplus water or liquid waste; a system of drains

shower- are fundamentally a very simple appliance designed to contain water and a person or two and to drain spent water into the sewer system.

urinals- i
s a container used to collect urine. It is shaped to fit either a man or a woman. But some women might find it easier to use a bedpan.

32) Which statement is NOT true about plumbing standards based on Republic Act 1378 which is known as "Plumbing Law"?
a. Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a water-sealed trap.
b. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
c. Water closet must be located in a room which is properly lighted and ventilated.
d. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the sewage disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage system.

Answer; b. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the maximum quantity of water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.

33) A compartment that receives solid or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the gravity system is called ________.
a. septic
b. sump
c. trap
d. interceptor

Answer: a. septic

septic- Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment structures, commonly used in rural areas without centralized sewer systems.

sump- is a small pump that is typically installed in the lowest area of a home such as a basement or crawl space, and its purpose is to remove excess water or sewage. In addition to sump pumps, we provide a variety of wastewater pump services and installations.

trap- a trap is a U-shaped portion of pipe designed to trap liquid or gas to prevent unwanted flow; most notably sewer gases from entering buildings

interceptor- a grease trap/grease interceptor is a plumbing device that is installed in a sanitary drainage system to 'trap' or 'intercept' non-petroleum FOG from a wastewater discharge.” Wastewater flows from the sink of drain into a tank.

34) Which is true toxic substance?
a. Hazardous to human health
b. A fixture drain for a laboratory
c. Not hazardous to human health
d. Bedpan washer and sterilizer drain

Answer: a. Hazardous to human health


35) Water that is safe for drinking, cooking, and personal use is ________.
a. potable
b. purified
c. clean
d. healthy

Answer: a. potable

potable also known as drinking water, comes from surface and ground sources and is treated to levels that that meet state and federal standards for consumption. Water from natural sources is treated for microorganisms, bacteria, toxic chemicals, viruses and fecal matter.

purified- is water that has been filtered or processed to remove impurities like chemicals and other contaminants. It is usually produced using groundwater or tap water

36) Which among the following best describes a toilet bowl?
a. A room or booth containing a toilet
b. The Box Type compartment holding water for flushing the toilet
c. An opening in the wall or ceiling near
d. The device that provides a supply of water and/or its disposal, e.g. sinks, tubs, toilet

Answer: b. The Box Type compartment holding water for flushing the toilet

37) Plumbing ventilation means to ________.
a. carry sewer gas out and relieve pressure of the drainage system
b. discourage corrosion in the drainage piping
c. maintain the trap seals
d. give pressure differentials in the public sewer

Answer: a. carry sewer gas out and relieve pressure of the drainage system

Plumbing ventilation

38) Rainwater from the roof down to the ground passes through what pipe?
a. Down spout
b. Conductor
c. Gutter
d. Vent

Answer: a. Down spout 

Down spout- waterspout, downpipe, drain spout, drainpipe, roof drain pipe, or leader is a pipe for carrying rainwater from a rain gutter.

- a pipe installed to drain water from the roof gutters or roof catchment to the storm drain or other means of disposal. Also called a conductor, downspout, or roof drain.

Gutter- is a pipe or trough along the edge of a roof that carries rainwater away from a building. Another kind of gutter is the indentation beside a street curb. Water flows through these gutters too, usually into a storm drain.

Vent- plumbing vent pipe works alongside your drain pipes, except it doesn't carry water. Instead, it regulates the air in your plumbing system

39) A pipe that conveys only liquid waste is called ________.
a. vent pipe
b. soil pipe
c. main pipe
d. waste pipe

Answer: d. waste pipe

vent pipe- plumbing vent pipe works alongside your drain pipes, except it doesn't carry water. Instead, it regulates the air in your plumbing system

soil pipe- is a pipe that conveys sewage or wastewater reliably, either from the toilet or sink to a soil drain or sewer. They are relatively easy to spot as they run vertically from the underground drainage system to the top of a property, where they reach the roof gutter.

main pipe- A principal pipe in a system of pipes for conveying water, especially one installed underground.


waste pipe- is a pipe which is designed to carry away liquid waste, with the exception of sewage, which is handled by different plumbing for reasons of environmental health. In homes, waste pipes drain washers, sinks, dishwashers, and other plumbed fixtures.

40) If you install water supply inside the building, what is the diameter of pipes needed?
a. 4 inches
b. 1 inch
c. 0.75 inch
d. 0.5 inch

Answer: 0.5 inch

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